In a stunning move, the Pope announced that he would resign. This is big news, because no Pope has resigned in 600 years. Pope Benedict XVI announced his decision on Monday. He said he has been losing strength and can no longer perform the tasks required of him. He is 85 years old. 
The last Pope to resign was Gregory the XII. He stepped down in 1415 and he did it to stop a rift in the Church. The last Pop to resign voluntarily was Celestine V, in 1294.
Some experts think that this will be the new thing,since with the improvement of medicine, and the Pope having the best, they will want to retire earlier, instead of dying.
I think, that due to the sanctity of this religion, this should be banned. However, since I am not Roman-Catholic and don't know too much about this, I am unable to make a entirely accurate decision.

Tonight, at the State of the Union Speech, one Cabinet Member will be missing. The Designated Survivor, Agriculture Secretary Dan Glickman. The Designated Survivor is one member from the Cabinet, who misses a meeting where everyone is present, to survive if something happens. Like a bombing. If a Nuclear Bombing happened, the Designated Survivior would be the New President, giving him the term the Most Powerful Person for 3 Hours. The Cabinet member changes every time, and the person is usually in his/her hometown if it is close by, or a bigger city like New York.

The U.S. Postal Service announced Wednesday that to decrease costs, it will soon stop delivering mail, but not packages, on Saturdays. This plan will save them $2 billion each year, according to Postmaster General, Patrick Donahue. The USPS lost about $16 billion during its last budget year. "Our financial condition is urgent," Donahue told reporters.
 Under the USPS’s plan, letters, magazines and advertisements will no longer be delivered on Saturdays beginning August 10. Packages would still be delivered on Saturdays. Package delivery, one of the agency’s few growing services, has increased by 14% since 2010. Also, post offices that are open on Saturdays will remain open, and post office boxes will receive Saturday mail.

In September, 2012, New York approved a bill to ban large cans of soda, as long as  other sugary drinks. The bill, which will be in effect on March 12, 2013, bans Restaurants, Theaters, Delis, Sports Stadiums, Fast-Food Places, and some more, will not be able to sell anything bigger than 16 ounces, but convenience stores, vending machine, and some newspaper stands will be able to. This bil ldoes not apply to, fruit juice, alcoholic beverages, dairy-based products, coffee, or,surprisingly, diet soda. Many groups argue that this will decrease business for smaller business, and increase for bigger companies like 7/11. 
I personally think that this will help the fight in obesity, but if it was band it should be band everywhere, and make it fair. I also think that this restricts freedom of choice. If you argue or agree, please post me a comment-Deep Thought.

Well, as many, (if not all), of you know, the Ravens won the Super Bowl, 34-31. San Francisco 49er's Quarterback, Colin Kaepernick, threw a high pass, on 4th and goal. When he missed, it was over for the 49ers, even though, for the 2nd half, after the 34 minute power outage, Colin Kaepernick did amazing . During that time, San Francisco took the game from the Ravens by scoring over 20 points, if it wasn't for that small stroke of luck, I think the score could have easily been 42-10, for the Ravens. If you disagree or agree, I would like to here your thought in the comments-Deep Thought.-